Friday, May 27, 2016

Armenian Genocide - The forgotten holocaust

I was only 12 years old. They took all my school teachers away. They never came back.

~Perouze Ipekjian
Armenian genocide survivor

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Armenian Genocide - A personal survivor story

The Armenian Journey - A Story of an Armenian Genocide: From Despair to Hope in Rhode Island, a film by The Genocide Education Project (GenEd), tells the story of Armenian Genocide survivor Margaret Garabedian Der Manuelian; told through the narrative voice of her great-granddaughter, 21-year old Dalita Getzoyan. 
A new friend spoke about the Armenian genocide, beginning in 1915, and I didn't know about it. Now I know a little bit more.

Her surviving family members fled to Lebanon, and that is where she was born. Everyone - every Armenian - learns about the genocide while growing up.

But she doesn't harbor ill will toward the Turks, she said, adding that she's forgiven them.

"But you don't forget," I remarked.

"You don't forget," she confirmed.

Friday, May 13, 2016

[1] Bernie Sanders' home state rocks for working moms!

If such support for working moms, and women in general, can happen in Bernie Sanders' home state, I wonder if it can happen in Bernie Sanders' country - i.e. as its President.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Monday, May 9, 2016

Sigmund Freud nephew Edward Bernays [3] The Legacy

We must remain vigilant and inquisitive, when presented with persuasive information. We must question our sources. The next time you hear a politician arguing for another war: remember to ask questions, to check the sources of the claims, don't be taken in by well-written appeals to emotion. Instead, remember to ask yourself, Is there something they don't want you to know?
There is evidently a trail of lies, deception and manipulation in Public Relations, and the legacy of Edward Bernays sheds light on a dark side of humanity.  Indeed we shed light by remaining vigilant and inquisitive, and not take things that carry quite a bit of weight for granted or at face value.  What Ben Bowlin and Matt Frederick talk about in their Stuff they don't want you to know videos resonates well with Theory of Algorithms (rf. Part 1 - A Beautiful Matter).