Sunday, June 15, 2014

`Body Snatchers (13) Disease as Evolved

Three key points here: For one, some of us may harbor the belief that we know a lot and that more specifically we know a lot more than we don't know.  But in reality what we know may be minuscule, relative to what we don't know.  The unknown may be so vast, as to be very difficult to even imagine.  In this regard, there are those segments of knowledge: (a) knowing that we know, (b) knowing that we don't know, (c) not knowing that we know, and (d) not knowing that we don't know.  The most pernicious sort of ignorance is, of course, the last one

For another, trickier yet, we tend to compare anything novel or strange to our current frames of knowledge, reference or theory.  So for Randy Wymore, that is diabetes.  This sort of comparison isn't necessarily wrong.  Such frames are a platform for building our knowledge and understanding of things.  But what if that novel or strange thing actually requires an altogether different, or similarly new and strange, frame?  Call it a frame for the unknown, if you will, or as I prefer Algorithm for the Unknown.  Then, I posit, we may be in a better position of understanding new phenomena.  So it goes with disease.  

Finally, we laud ourselves, it seems, for our ability to think, to reason, and to imagine.  We believe ourselves to be unique and special in the vast scheme of the universe.  I have argued before that while the misconstrual from centuries ago - namely, that the universe revolved around the us and the earth - has been dispelled, humankind still operates under a geocentric frame of reference.  But disease may trump our ability and our evolution.  After all, as a life from, it has been around far longer than humankind has.  So drawing on that Algorithm for the Unknown, can we imagine, for a moment, that disease, in its totality, has evolved far greater knowledge and adaptability and longevity than we have?

Note: In the DVD for `The Invasion (2007), the fourth film adaptation of the classic Jack Finney novel `The Body SnatchersWe've Been Snatched Before is a feature program.  I couldn't find an upload of it on YouTube, so the next best thing, I thought, was to capture this thought-provoking program via the foregoing screen shots.

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